coffee with gloria is from a time in the 70's when my friend GERArD said '' i should have my own tv(cable) show'...and we would have guests that just left the clubs of it would be early morning...we are here to talk about, life, art, music, books, people, share your thoughts and be need to worry about being censored....and i love photos as well....we journal, we create, we sing,dance,play our music loud and have a thought on everything,and we love to be heard.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
still moving stuff on the truck and why did i just not stick to my original plan.....
Monday, January 30, 2012
packing up the truck 101
Sunday, January 29, 2012
kick back sunday night........
this is my kitty cat shema when she was a kitten .....i resued her for $20 bucks and a t shirt. she is one crazy cat and smart as a whip......she and bear are playing tag your it.....anyway resting up for moving tomorrow.....just wanted to drop in and say hi....all is good....and what is this noise i here about facebook timeline, that's not like dateline right.....
bengal. kitten,
Saturday, January 28, 2012
on the moveeeeeeeeeee.....
ok so here is what the current state of my studio looks like......i can't wait to set it up in my new home....i had these white shelves at raw edge studio and i took them home..and i am not putting anything away or hanging anything permanent until i have the "main" pieces in........i hope to have all that stuff loaded up tonight, and bring it over on monday when i have all day to put it away.....but i need another pair of hands......i can't wait to decorate this is going to be fun, cuz i am using what i want to use , where i want to use it.....i will take photos as i get the rooms done......
these are the clothes that i told you i dyed black the other day....they were all different colors to start with. and you never, ever, ever true black, they are so many colors under it.....but i like the muted shades.....and they all go with each other.....yet their all different i can't wait to unpack my other t's shirts cuz all the shirts i like i, but not not in love with the color are getting dyed black..........ok i have to go and put art supplies in boxes and get them on the truck.......
these are the clothes that i told you i dyed black the other day....they were all different colors to start with. and you never, ever, ever true black, they are so many colors under it.....but i like the muted shades.....and they all go with each other.....yet their all different i can't wait to unpack my other t's shirts cuz all the shirts i like i, but not not in love with the color are getting dyed black..........ok i have to go and put art supplies in boxes and get them on the truck.......
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
living in bed
ok not as fun as you would think. my house is filled i with packed boxes everywhere. why is it such a mess when your moving. the only place that i have left to sit is in my bed....and you would think i would be idle and not have to make anything. so this is what the other side of my bed currently looks like.....i have to make stuff i just have i am doing little making more bead strings, journaling, reading and making yarn from old clothes.
the other day i dyed some clothing black, i like black clothing and i finally realized that i don't have a corporate job anymore and i can dress the way i want and dress in clothing that makes me feel good and is comfortable.....and i have to again up cycle my clothes like when i was younger....this a photo of who the clothes came out, not the black that i know.....but i like them cuz i will still be monochromatic , i'll just have shades of grey, ok i had other stuff that i wanted to show you today...but blogger is having a hissy fit and is taking forever to download my photos.....
in the middle of packing and sorting i had to find time to do something this is what i have done.....friday the truck comes and i can start loading my stuff on it.....i can't wait.....since i moved into this apartment i knew i was moving again and it never quite felt like i feel like i am going to have a home again.......
the other day i dyed some clothing black, i like black clothing and i finally realized that i don't have a corporate job anymore and i can dress the way i want and dress in clothing that makes me feel good and is comfortable.....and i have to again up cycle my clothes like when i was younger....this a photo of who the clothes came out, not the black that i know.....but i like them cuz i will still be monochromatic , i'll just have shades of grey, ok i had other stuff that i wanted to show you today...but blogger is having a hissy fit and is taking forever to download my photos.....
in the middle of packing and sorting i had to find time to do something this is what i have done.....friday the truck comes and i can start loading my stuff on it.....i can't wait.....since i moved into this apartment i knew i was moving again and it never quite felt like i feel like i am going to have a home again.......
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
i received as a gift from dover the notebooks of leonardo de vinci, and i swore to myself that i would leave more notebooks to then him....and i may well be on my way.....
the thing is i was getting confused by all the names people call these books, diaries, journals, notebooks, art journals, altered books, smash books....til i just started calling them "the big fucking book of just makes it easier for me and i hate to have to be pushed in a box......and a rose by any other name......but i do have to say i like the idea of putting colorant on the books first, but then again i like to see just how the journal will evolve.....and like all my art if i can get it to stay down it stays there......and there are always loss stuff , stuffed in the pages.....all i have left to say if you don't have a journal, you should.......someone once told me they will be the greatest gift that i will leave my children......if you would like to see more of my journal pages check out my flickr site.....just go to the flickr icon on the right and hit coffee with gloria . and look for the set that says journal pages.......i love feedback so please leave some good or bad....cuz it is all good
Archbald, PA, USA
Monday, January 23, 2012
i just put a whole load of clothes that i loved, but where not black into a blackdye bath.....some of them are coming out this purplery grey black, while some tops that had graphics on them are looking really good......and they where kool clothes i bought at a thrift store, well most of them.....did i tell you that i like thrifts and have A>D>D.....i thought you would have guessed it by now.....anyway i will show you them when they are done.....
so this is something else i have been working on while waiting to move.....i have got back to simple feels good. these are random bead strings that i made from all lose beads that i found while packing up......and some that i just grabbed out of bead jars......a relative of a relative passed away and i got a whole crate of white bed linens (the good stuff) while i love looking at beautiful white beds, lets just say it would not remain white around me for i dyed them these really hot of the sheets i am making a simple curtain out to straight stitches across the top.....well anyway i am going to drape them on the curtains over they are hang......remind me to take photo's......when i set up my new home.....i feel like I'm going home for the first time in a long time.....but i still always not regret , but feel bad that i am still not in sayville ny.....but life goes on and i lived there a very long time ago........but i loved it and the city was a train ride away and i could walk to the times have changed.....i now live in a place where the buses stop running at 6.....
monday, monday....
another dreary day.....i hate deary weather.....just rain already or snow.....countdown to moving, i am hoping that i can start to move on wednesday....i am up to my neck in boxes, i can't even pack anymore as i am running out of run to bedroom has become grand central (yeah don't i wish} cuz the living room is piled high with boxes......if you were blind you would kill since we can't fast forward to wednesday, we have to take it on day at a time........
so i have come of an age, where they just don't make the kind of clothes i want to wear everyday....and now that i don' have a real job.....i am just an arTist.....ha....i have taken to altering and up cycling for those of you that know me...know i have some style rules....i like black, and no matter how many time i try to wear colorful clothes i always come back to black.....i have some color for accent.....i will live in leggings for the rest of my life....i don't even own a pair of jeans.....hate them.....i love t' shirts and have been cutting mine up since the 70's only we didn't have books back them to tell you how.....we just cut them and pinned them back together.....i pretty much do the same thing now although i have added stitches and beads......i like long tops.....and jackets.....silver, metal, studs, pearls,leather, lace, whips and chains.....i love cowboy boots and only wear real cowboy boots from texas.....i love good bags and shows.....and i can rock just about i like to wear sweater type things.....and lately when i shop(maybe cuz i can't afford top designer clothes anymore) oh i can and i do....but at this point once again i have to stop listening to what other people say and dress the way i want.....and in the summer i only mostly wear dresses.
Ok back to the picture....i am up cycling clothes now, so i had this over sweater...dare i say it got to i cut it down the middle and a little on the side seams and i got my jar of black vintage buttons and using them as trim......i have a stack of clothes i want to alter, but they are packed away....i have not really sewn in years.....but boy can i sew and make that is what is up for now.......see ya soon.......
what i am working now |
Ok back to the picture....i am up cycling clothes now, so i had this over sweater...dare i say it got to i cut it down the middle and a little on the side seams and i got my jar of black vintage buttons and using them as trim......i have a stack of clothes i want to alter, but they are packed away....i have not really sewn in years.....but boy can i sew and make that is what is up for now.......see ya soon.......
Archbald, PA, USA
Sunday, January 22, 2012
the story of the bus.......
Don’t ever forget that I am from Brooklyn, nyc…….and when we get thrown under the bus, we pick our asses up and keep going……I am just saying….
Saturday, January 21, 2012
snow day
Well I skipped out on going up the eyeon today……that would be to sugarman’s ….you know what I am still amazed out is how long it takes for me to realize that something, is toxic to me…..but sugarman’s I must say I am now declaring you toxic….i will bid what ever time I have left there and then say, SO LONG , FAREWELL, IT’S BEEN GOOD TO KNOW YA…..and git…cuz that flea market is like a hole to dante’s inferno, it is sooooooooooo black and negative…..but it was a good stepping stone….and it opened my eyes up to a like of things…..i learned about me, mostly, cuz that is part of my job…..and how to react to the other , now here I was going to say assholes’ is that ok….good. ok so this is how I react to the other fucking assholes’ I just pretend they don’t exist anymore….and I have a magic wand, that I can do it with, but it only works for me……I am so sorry about that…..but I do have a collection of fairy dust…..i am going to use different names here to protect the innocent and not so innocent…it you are reading it and think that it’s about you, well, DARLING, your so vain……so my kool across the street, neighbor, he is from Holland, and they have the cutest kid….smart like a whip and all princessed out….i would hate to be the one that has to tell her….but she only 3 so I will let her live the fantasy for a few more years and break it to her gently…..i raised/ing 2 daughters…..they are truly a blessing…..but if you have children you understand……it is tough sometimes to be a parent and be yourself….i forget how old I was when I stopped being afraid by my parents and them of me…..i was a wild child, yes in deed… kids are still think I am nuts….like I was told it is kind of having a mom that is an artist, and is a different kind of mom…..but I could/can be the only mother I know how to be…..and I have beautiful children…..both in college…..2 different paths/2 different children……have to treat them differently, but the same……oh I was talking about my neighbors, anyway he cleaned a path for me as it snowed all last night and this morning here in sticks of the northeast……mountains are good…..mountains are good….anyway I went to wall mart today and I am sorry to say that spent money there but….i wanted a crockpot to cook in and they had one on clearance(the angel)…in red and I had to have it cuz it was on my list…….bought some food…there were no remarkable fashion attire today as it was snowing so people were pretty much clothed up warm….although the guy next door was outside shoveling the car , with shorts and flip flops… know what I say “whatever floats your boat” and makes ya happy….ok I am staying in and working on a few projects….my journal, a beading project and one that has vintage black buttons….i will show photos when done…..anyway off to listen to something and create…….one more thing it’s an allie day, from now on all snow days are allie days…….my daughter used to stay up all night hoping it would snow, so, there would be no school………..
it's all about meeeeeeeeeeeeee........
First let me start off by saying that it is all ART to me……I am a crazy self taught artist who still has lots to learn…I am free…at a high price….i love to journal since I was 12 and have every {art journal} book I ever wrote in….i love to dance….sing ….play….rock n roll….create…snap photos….bead….paint…write…think…….watch tv (but the internet is breaking that habit]….i love words and I like to play around with the English language, and someone once told me that you have to know the rules in order to break them…..i break them anyway…..anyhoo, this is just me everyday person living in the everyday world and making the most of it…..and don’t ask if I can do better, I am doing the best I can…..and I always want better……
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