ok so if you haven't heard by now, i have been journaling since i was 12. i have every journal that i have ever written in. the older journals are keep in a green footlocker that has wheels. the journals from the past 10 years are on in a bookcase in my bedroom. i have many different types of journals, but the constant thing about them is they all reflect who i am , and what i think.......the photos here are what i would call my journal scrapbook....it is just one of those big plain white page books you can get at any bookstore. this is the book that i put "most" of papers in from where i have been and then i write notes. i also just go through it at times and place various clippings from magazines.....and when i get to that page i might or might not journal about the page............i have another art journal that i working in right name i was inspired by an art journal and tutorial by an artist named caatje.....http://caatjesartsystuff.blogspot.com i am having fun with it as i can draw, play, doodle and what ever in it.......at any given time i have at least 5 different journals around....i think i have one in every room and my purse. i have some journals that have taken me 5 years to complete from cover to cover......and it is funny how one changes.... i did morning pages ala julia cameron for 3 years straight and i can't begin to tell you want an eye opening life changing experience that was....for anyone that needs to get a handle on their life i strongly recommend morning pages....if you don't know what they are just ask.
i received as a gift from dover the notebooks of leonardo de vinci, and i swore to myself that i would leave more notebooks to then him....and i may well be on my way.....
the thing is i was getting confused by all the names people call these books, diaries, journals, notebooks, art journals, altered books, smash books....til i just started calling them "the big fucking book of everything.....it just makes it easier for me and i hate to have to be pushed in a box......and a rose by any other name......but i do have to say i like the idea of putting colorant on the books first, but then again i like to see just how the journal will evolve.....and like all my art if i can get it to stay down it stays there......and there are always loss stuff , stuffed in the pages.....all i have left to say if you don't have a journal, you should.......someone once told me they will be the greatest gift that i will leave my children......if you would like to see more of my journal pages check out my flickr site.....just go to the flickr icon on the right and hit coffee with gloria . and look for the set that says journal pages.......i love feedback so please leave some good or bad....cuz it is all good

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