keep calm and carry on.....i have been doing it for years aka the game of life, survivor etc.....so what does one do on good friday when they never ever bought into that papal crap that came out of europe in which i can only say the fucking dark ages.......and please tell me it isn't true that the candy is just a bribe.....remember what your parents told you about taking candy from strangers......do you ever fucking wonder how much money corporate america is making off of chocolate easter bunnies......c'on the peeps alone...(nuke for about 10 seconds) awesome.....anyhoo 3 of my favorite things are in the picture......fashionstying, cards and books.....and yeah i am going to have real printed out photos of my art work and sell them as cards.....i will post where ever people buy things.....and i have paypal......ok so i goT 2 SAD letters today, one that says the bank of america is something something foreclosing on my house, which i find real funny cuz i have been in foreclose process for 4 years now with what ever was that corrupt one{gee that narrowed it down} with washington in there name, you the one that when the shit hit the fan took the largest payout/bonus in corporate history....you 2 fuckers fight it out, you can have it.....just be gone already, i walked away a while ago....i was done before you.....and the other exciting letter is that my unemployment is going to end....but that only means i just have to figure out more ways to earn money....and i do and don;t want to leave the flea market cuz i do make money there, but i have no way of getting there anymore....swear to god true story one of the ladies that picked me up was arrested as she already had an ankle bracelet on her leg and is being held on 250k bail along with her husband another 250k.....and i don;t feel sorry for one bit....greed is not good.....really people, haven;t you all learned that by now....i swear i have seen things that no nyc girl has seen before, and man, i have seen a lot in this life......but i digress so i need transportation, the bus system is only good on sat and i could get a half a day in at best.....but better then nothing........now i really wish my friend carole was here so i could talk to her as i organize my creative space......and sewing and paper, will have separate areas in the house......i think i better add another picture or something and i only use my own.......

look more books ........i love to read and have been catching up on reading cuz i love to read.....now i just finished reading this morning "miss peregrine home for peculiar children" and all i am saying is that i wanted a better ending.......i thought it was an interesting read ...and i loved the old photos's being a collector of them.....but i still wanted a different ending. i did come up with a few of my own, but dumb me didn;t realize that the book was about time travel.....i see a second book....until the end.....i kind of wanted the kid to be a total loon.....but i think the government already did time travel in the late 50's i think something about monkey's...if my memory serves me well......i think i will go and read L.frank baum.....i think he know thing or 2 about time travel.....do i go too much, if i was talking to you in person, this pretty much what i would be saying and talking.....ask anyone of the people that know me....whether they like me or not....cuz if you don;t like me that means i stood up for myself and you couldn't handle it....so now you hate on me......news flash i am too small to hate, so i wish everyone in this world the same as i wish for me......and most of yar i don't even think about and time fades lots........i am writing like i am in one of my manic states....oh gee i am////////what joy///////.....i will continue next time.....carry on and keep calm...
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