Saturday, January 21, 2012

it's all about meeeeeeeeeeeeee........

First let me start off by saying that it is all ART to me……I am a crazy self taught artist who still has lots to learn…I am free…at a high price….i love to journal since I was 12 and have every {art journal} book I ever wrote in….i love to dance….sing ….play….rock n roll….create…snap photos….bead….paint…write…think…….watch tv (but the internet is breaking that habit]….i love words and I like to play around with the English language, and someone once told me that you have to know the rules in order to break them…..i break them anyway…..anyhoo,  this is just me everyday person living in the everyday world and making the most of it…..and don’t ask if I can do better, I am doing the best I can…..and I always want better……